
Below is the current state of functionality within the Club category.

Eight method exist in the Club category.

Club returns a list of dictionaries that include the information for players in your club. A description of the returned dict of player info is linked here.

There are many arguments available to filter your club search request:

Club Arguments Table

| argument | type | description | |————-|———|——————————————————————–| | ctype | str | card type (player, development, training) (default: player) | | defId | int | unique card id. one asset id can have many card ids (TOTW example) | | start | int | start page on WebApp (needs clarification) | | count | int | number of cards to return on one page (default 91) | | level | str | card level (bronze, silver, gold) | | category | str | card category (fitness, health, etc.) | | assetId | int | unique player id | | league | int | leagueId (available in fut.leagues) | | club | int | clubId (available in fut.teams) | | position | str | player preferred position abbreviation | | zone | ? | | | nationality | int | nationalityId (available in fut.nations) | | rare | boolean | default False | | playStyle | id | playStyleId (available in fut.playStyles) |


[{'assetId': 230621,
  'assists': 1,
  'attributeList': [{u'index': 0, u'value': 88},
   {u'index': 1, u'value': 78},
   {u'index': 2, u'value': 72},
   {u'index': 3, u'value': 88},
   {u'index': 4, u'value': 46},
   {u'index': 5, u'value': 78}],


fut.clubStaff() returns a dictionary of a list of dictionaries that includes the bonuses you receive from specific staff in your club. This will be documented later, but here is a helpful guide to Fifa 18 Staff cards.


>>> fut.clubStaff()
{'bonus': [{'type': 'dribbling', 'value': 10},
  {'type': 'fitness', 'value': 5},
  {'type': 'gkDiving', 'value': 15},
  {'type': 'contract', 'value': 3},
  {'type': 'managerTalk', 'value': 0},
  {'type': 'physioArm', 'value': 5},
  {'type': 'physioFoot', 'value': 15},
  {'type': 'physioHip', 'value': 5}]}


fut.clubConsumables() returns a list of dictionaries that includes the consumable cards and their details in your club. A table of all 2017 consumable IDs and information is available here. 2018 IDs have not yet been confirmed.


>>> fut.clubConsumables()
[{'bidState': None,
  'bronze': 15,
  'buyNowPrice': None,
  'cardassetid': 7,
  'consumables': None,
  'consumablesContractManager': None,
  'consumablesContractPlayer': None,


fut.quickSell() discards an item (id) in your club for its discardValue. It returns True on a successful quickSell and returns UnknownError: b'' for an unsuccessful quickSell. Untradeable cards can be discarded even though their discardValue is 0.


>>> # Card I own where untradeable == False
>>> fut.quickSell(item_id = 118917563073)

>>> # Card I do not own
>>> fut.quickSell(item_id = 2)
UnknownError: b''


fut.applyConsumable() takestwo arguemtns: a consumableId (resourceId) that you own, and a player item_id (id) that you own. It doesn’t return anything for a successful consumable application, but it returns UnknownError: b'' for an unsuccessful request. There is currently not a method to apply a team consumable.


>>> # Card and Consumable I own
>>> fut.applyConsumable(item_id = 119175722619, resource_id = 5001003)

>>> # Card and Consumable I do not own
>>> fut.applyConsumable(item_id = 119175722619, resource_id = 2)
UnknownError: b''


fut.keepalive() is a simple function that returns your coin count. It is also a useful API call that tells the Fifa Web App that your session is still active.


>>> # Return my coin count
>>> fut.keepalive()
1002231023 #just kidding!


fut.messages() returns any active messages if you have them. I don’t have any examples of this but any messages that include new Kits would be in here.


fut.objectives() returns a list of dictionaries containing your daily and weekly objectives.


>>> fut.objectives()
{'coinsAutoClaimed': 0,
 'dailyObjectives': [{'currentProgress': 0,
   'description': 'Get on the pitch today and play a game in Online Seasons mode',
   'difficulty': 3,
   'expiryTime': 1513414800
 'dailyRewardsAutoClaimed': False,
 'itemsAutoClaimed': 0,
 'packsAutoClaimed': 0,
 'weeklyObjectives': [{'currentProgress': 0,
   'description': 'Win three or more Squad Battles matches this week to earn the FUTmas Elf kit [Untradeable]',
   'difficulty': 39,
   'expiryTime': 1513965600
  'weeklyRewardsAutoClaimed': False}
>>> # Let's say I want to see the names of all of my daily objectives
>>> for i in fut.objectives().get('dailyObjectives'):
>>>     print(i['name'])
Becoming Seasoned
Buy a Midfielder
Use your Head
Four the Bundesliga
Get Fit